Excellent quality

Product quality is a top priority, and is an important prerequisite for an enterprise’s survival and development.

In order to ensure product quality, we maintain strict quality control for the following four aspects:

Strict supplier audit system

The strict supplier audit system ensures our procurement channels are more efficient and reliable. As a result, we are able to promptly provide high quality products of different standards.

Incoming material inspection includes mechanical performance test, size test, spectral analysis, etc.

Standardized production process

Standardized production process is the key to ensure product quality.

Based on advanced science and technology, strong rules and regulations and rich practical experience, Jason has developed a set of standardized production processes to maintain production safety and efficiency, and continuously improve each production task.

Standardized production process can reduce risks due to lack of technology and experience, reduce staff loss, improve staff efficiency, standardize product quality management and reduce production cost, thereby achieving sustainable development.

Strict quality control procedures

Strict quality control procedures for several finished product tests are another key aspect to ensure product quality and to match customer requirements.

Product size, marks, spectrum and certifications are tested by our company’s QC personnel, and other tests are conducted by authoritative testing institutions recognized in the industry or executed by an independent third party designated by the customer.

Mature logistics and transportation system

Mature logistics and transportation system is the last quality protection procedure before the products reach customers.

Usually, we will choose different transportation modes based on different customer requirements. Products are properly packed and equipped with facilities for easy loading and unloading before transportation, and special protective features are implemented during transportation.

Each step in the logistics and transportation flow is handled by professional personnel, to ensure product safety and effectiveness to the maximum extent.